I'm not going to tell you that our bathroom is almost done. It's not, much to my dismay. My husband is now sleeping in our bedroom on our mattress which feels like a cloud. I'm sleeping in my daughter's room on a firm twin bed. Why? because her bathroom is across the hall and I need to get up at least 3 times in the middle of the night to use it. Gotta love pregnancy! Here's the latest in the ongoing master bathroom never ending project.
The tile guy is doing an amazing job, but I'm pretty sure I've seen snails move faster. Seriously, we're going on two months of putting in tile. This is a two week job max. We're torn. We want to tell him to hurry the hell up, but we don't want him to do a crappy job either. Getting him to show up to actually work is another story. Well, never again with this guy. The tile does look amazing though.
So what's left?
-Toilet- this is priority one
-sconces-picked them out but haven't bought them yet
-faucets-already ordered
-shelves in the closet
-installation of shower fixtures and bathtub
-glass shower doors-that's gonna hurt my wallet
-misc things that my pregnant brain is forgetting at the moment
-oh yes, finish the f'ing tile already
So I don't know when all this will happen but as long as I get a toilet I'll be happy.