This is what I envisioned for the bathroom.
Vallie Outdoor Barn Light from Wayfair
Ikea Godmorgon/Rattviken Sink Cabinet/Medicine Cabinet from Ikea
Branwell Porcelain Field Tile in Lempicka from Wayfair
Thunderhead Gray Penny Round Tile from Home Depot
White subway tile from Daltile
The bathroom is small. Period. But that doesn't mean it can't have some personality! It started with the floor tile. I knew I wanted to do a cement look tile which is popular at the moment. I found this in my online search and I absolutely love it. It wasn't going to break the bank either, especially since we didn't need a lot of it, #silverlinings! Originally I wanted to do shiplap on the walls too but the room is small and already would have a lot of pattern with the floors and shower walls so we abandoned the idea. It was also a money/time saver to not do it which was a bonus.
Here's the progression:
The Schluter shower system. Don't ask me what that is, I have no idea. I know if I tried to look it up I'd spend a nanosecond before my mind would wander. I have zero attention span for this stuff. My husband, on the other hand, could probably teach a master class on it. Oh opposites.
And here's the shower wall/floor tile and bathroom floor tile in. Just like that. Bam! I wish it happened this quickly. It really looks amazing though. I'm so in love with the floor tile. I seriously admire it every day.
The sink, cabinets and medicine cabinets are from Ikea. I really did NOT want to use something from Ikea because I wasn't sure about it's longevity. Eventually I caved though because, 1) it was cheap and available and 2) it offered a ton of cabinet space, especially since the sink is so shallow. The medicine cabinet is enormous as well. I can store a cubic buttload in this thing which is much needed.

So this is the entire bathroom. As you can imagine, it's very hard to get a good picture in such a small room (with no natural light to boot). Right outside of the bathroom we do have another sink set up so it's not a total disaster, but the struggle is real when there's more than one person who has to use the toilet. I know people that come from very large families that grew up sharing one bathroom. I don't understand how that works but more power to them. This is the one thing that I won't miss at all in this process. As a mom, I already have zero privacy under normal circumstances. We've dialed that up to an eleven now.
This is the extra sink outside of the bathroom. When the architect first drew this into the plans I hated this idea. Now that we're living here I get it. We needed an extra sink to brush teeth or wash hands in if someone was in the actual bathroom.
So that's it for the bathroom. I'll get to the other rooms in another post.