As the former owner of our house had passed away, the house hadn't been lived in for a few months. The water was turned off during the time of our negotiations, but the house still had it's share of visitors from the workers fixing some water damage of the ceilings in a couple of the rooms to plumbers and electricians who were giving estimates for the COMPLETE overhaul of all the systems in the house. Needless to say, I think pit stops were made in some of the bathrooms in the house. Recently as we were revisiting some of these areas my 2 yr old noticed something awry in the master bath commode. Me, being a complete germaphobe, practically pulled her arm out of its socket trying to get her away from the toilet with which she was completely fascinated for some reason. Then I realized why. It was a strange orangeish color. I said, "Don't touch. It's dirty. It's pee-pee." Her answer, "No mommy, it's juice". I can't wait till we get the water turned back on.