We also changed out the old louver windows with something that comes much closer to the originals. They aren't perfect, but much improved from what was there. My husband finished putting up the drywall. Now it just needs tape and mud and then we can paint. Though I still haven't finished prepping the old windows. It's such a nightmare. We had asked a painter for a quote to do the prep work. Let's just say that person never got back with us. Hmm. I wonder why? Nightmare.
Not much else has been done, but in the next month we are having a bookcase made for the opposite wall.
It will be the entire length of this wall, going over the doors (which we found in the attic!) and from floor to ceiling. The bonus is that we're getting a library ladder. I'm so excited! This is definitely going to be my favorite room in the house. Light + windows + books = heaven.