Bleh! Hot mess. I was just going to paint over it and hoped that it would look better. My husband decided to try to sand it a bit to make the paint go on a bit smoother. That's when this happened.
Huh? What's this? Someone painted black paint over slate. Um ok. I prefer just the slate. I don't see a need to paint black slate black, do you? Different strokes I guess? So we just sealed it. The inside brick still looked like crap so we painted it with heat resistant paint.
Now I just have to paint this screen I bought.
It has an aged gold finish which doesn't look bad in pictures, but looks a bit dirty to me in real life. I'm going to brighten it up with some gold spray paint and hope for the best.
I have to say that this fireplace has been on my list of things to do for months so I'm pretty happy about the progress. Now, if I can just get a minute to spray paint the screen...