First of all I want to thank everyone for their sweet comments about my sunporch and master bathroom. It feels so good to have these rooms done. Now I'm ready to move on to the next room. I haven't really been blogging much lately about the house even though we have made progress. I guess I was just burnt out with work and life, but I forgot why I started the blog in the first place. To document our progress! Duh! So I'm going to start up again with what's happening at the domicile. There are rooms that I've done in the past that never really felt right to me and rooms that were just plain ol' not finished or even started. I really want to love each and every room or else what's the point? Don't get me wrong, there are some rooms I'm infatuated with and won't change, like the
sunporch and my
blue room. There are a few that are on the chopping block though but I may save those for another
One Room Challenge. In the meantime, now that my master bathroom is done, it's become glaringly obvious that my bedroom is downright sad. I've always thought that it would be the last room we'd do just because I'd like to get the downstairs done, but I can't ignore it any longer. Like I said before, I can't commit to keeping a room tidy if it isn't finished. I just can't. My room is a pigsty because I don't like it. So...I'm going to start on it. What I have planned is pricey so it's probably going to be a gradual process. I have a bedroom and an adjoining sitting room which we don't sit in. I may work on them independently but we'll see. Here's what I'd like to happen.
By the way, I just learned how to make these moodboards at
Olioboard thanks to
Blue i style and I'm obsessed. I haven't quite mastered how to do the source thing though but I'll tell you where everything is from.
-Nightstands: West Elm
-Sconce: Rejuvenation
-Campaign desk: Pottery Barn
-Headboard and Bookcase: Serena & Lily
-Dunkirk Chandelier: Hudson Valley Lighting
-Vincent Sofa (in a different fabric): Calico
-Fabrics: Schumacher Iconic Leopard Linen, Schumacher Grass Stone, Schumacher mineral
-Bedding: Ballard Designs
-Wallpaper: Cole and Son Woods and Pears
-Paint: BM Swiss Coffee
I'd also like a bench at the end of the bed and a small lingerie chest but haven't found those yet.
And here's what it looks like now. The first couple are the sitting room. These were originally two separate rooms but we took a wall down to make it a sitting room...which we don't use....yet.
I'd like to put the bookcase to the right of the fireplace. The fireplace isn't functional so we'd like to turn it into a gas fireplace. Cha-ching. This is adding up.
The campaign desk would replace what's there. These chairs are going away as well as the chandeliers. We bought this stuff as "in the meantime" furniture which was a waste of money honestly. I never loved any of it.
Lol! The chair with the massive pile of clothes is staying but will be reupholstered. In this view you can see into the bedroom.
We always meant to have doors made for those cubbies but never did. That needs to be finished up.
And our bedding is old as dirt.
So this furniture we had in our last house. It's a king size bed which is too big for the room. And I can't open the closet door all the way. Annoying. I'm hoping switching to a queen size bed with smaller side tables will allow the furniture to be centered on the wall...or at least not squished to the left side. And don't even get me started on the paint color. It was the one time I didn't put a sample on the wall. It's not as bad in this picture but it's actually a little boy's room blue. Not what I had in mind.
The chair in the corner is my friend's that I'm keeping for her. That's going to find a new home in the attic. I told you my room was a mess!
So that's the story. Who knows if it will evolve into something else. I'm known to change my mind pretty frequently but I love what's in the moodboard. I'm really hoping some of this stuff will be on sale for Memorial weekend. Right? I hope?