
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Newly Refinished Floors And Starting On The Pink Desk

This is a not so exciting post, but I'm really trying to keep to my Monday posting.  The good news.  I found my pink.  Yes!!  Krylon Hot Pink color matched so that I don't have to smell 15 cans worth of spray paint fumes. The bad news.  I didn't finish painting it.  We had a costume party to go to Saturday night and we had one too many drinky poos so I was feeling less than productive on Sunday.

 Me and the hubs.  Can you guess what we went as?

I did get it started though.

The other good news is that the floors are refinished.

We can't walk on them for a few days but I can't wait to start moving things the desk if I ever finish it.


  1. I think that pink desk is pretty damn exciting myself. Good work! And the floors look amazing.

  2. oh i can't wait to see the desk! and you guys are too cute!

  3. Love the paint color, glad you found it!

  4. Squeeeeeee!!!!! Oh my goodness, I love that desk so much. I CANNOT wait to see that room come together. Can't wait to see what chair you put with it. I have an old desk in a similar style that I have pegged for just that sort of a makeover once I convince my husband that he needs a different style of desk. Ha ha.

  5. i just found your blog. i am late. but i LOVE flat out LOVE that color on that desk! just sayin'

  6. i just found your blog. i am late. but i LOVE flat out LOVE that color on that desk! just sayin'
