
Monday, April 29, 2013

More On The Guest Room

Last time I gave you a glimpse of the guest room it looked like this.

Ha, I forgot about the bathroom.  Isn't she pretty?  Not!

And the closet.

And here it is now.  Nothing terribly exciting, but progress is progress and it makes me infinitely happy.  
That back wall is the one that is getting wallpapered.  And no, the tub isn't staying in that room.

Improvements in the bathroom as well.  Just ignore the pink patch on the wall.  I had toyed with the idea and then decided against it.  

That closet looks so much better except for the venting.  Whatever, it's a closet.  I'm going to try to not get too anal about everything.  After all, there is still a lot of the house that hasn't been touched.  Money pit!

It's a start anyway, and a huge improvement from what I originally showed you.  So here's the to-do list.

-Wallpaper back wall.  Waiting for the cutting for approval.
-Buy a light.  Still haven't picked one but I'm working on it.  I'm trying to find a semi flushmount in brass.  It's practically an oxymoron.
-Carpet.  So I'm not a huge carpet fan, but this room is right above our bedroom and it's the third floor.  I'm making exceptions.
-Finish up electrical.  Obviously this list isn't in order.  Ha!

-Pick a paint color.  Easier said than done.  I don't really want the same color as the room, but I may change my mind
-Tile floor
-Bead board
-Buy pretty much everything.

So, not a lot to do, right?  Heh.


  1. I know it feels like you have a lot to do, but the really hard stuff is behind you...except for the bath stuff. Your home has the most beautiful spaces in it.

  2. It's so exciting...can't wait to see as it moves along!!


    I know you said semi-flush, but...
    BTW, been obsessing over your renovations. Wish we were IRL friends!

  4. I have a vested interest here, chop chop. looks good.

  5. Definitely getting there! And, I love that claw foot tub.

  6. I find myself thrilled every step of the way of your is so exciting to see walls go up and rooms get finished! I really enjoy reading your blog! We live in an old house too and have the same venting in closets...we boxed them in but they do create weird angles....the price for all that charm I guess!

  7. your home is really coming together, I am going to have to gatecrash when I hit the east coast :-) Are the doors painted black or stained a dark brown?

  8. Cheers to progress! Did you pick a wallpaper yet? Can't wait to see it up on the wall :)
