
Thursday, May 17, 2012

I Can Now Officially Set My Chinoiserie Stencil On Fire

I posted before about the tiniest powder room in the world and the stencil that I thought would be a breeze to put up.  I wanted wallpaper, but no.  Wallpaper is expensive and I have a million things that need to be bought for the house like toilets, for instance.  I'll save money by doing a stencil, I thought.  Oh if I could only go back in time.  I would have paid top dollar for wallpaper now that I know the hell that is putting up a stencil.  In general stencils applied to one wall are tedious but do-able.  Something I've learned that I'm passing on to anyone who will listen.  INTRICATE STENCILS ARE NOT MEANT TO GO AROUND CORNERS.  PERIOD.  Anyone who tells you differently is not of this world...or delusional.  I ended up cutting a lot of the stencil and I did A LOT of hand painting it.  You know how many coats of white it takes to cover a dark gray wall?  A sh!t ton, that's how much.  But the good news is that I finished it, and it does look rather good if I do say so myself.  In addition the toilet and sink are also in.

That door is getting a darker stain

Ignore the missing vent cover on the floor...oops!

Can you believe how teeny tiny everything is?  It's like a bathroom for  a gnome.  When you sit on the toilet and shut the door the only thing you can see is the door which seems as though it's mere inches from your nose.

The room is still not quite done though and here's what I'm thinking.  I really want a bit of color in here since it's all gray and white, and the color I'm thinking of is coral.  I found a mirror at a consignment store for $25 which I'm going to paint a coral color and I'd like to do some kind of a coral window shade.  Here's the mirror.

I also need to address where I'm going to put a hand towel, and most importantly some soap.  No room on that sink for anything.  So that's it for now until the final reveal of my wee chinoiserie powder room.  At the rate I'm going don't expect anything in the near future;)


  1. Oh my goodness, I seriously feel your pain. I did a full stencil in our powder room and it was a pretty intricate damask. The corners were torture. I tried every which way and it was just no fun at all.

    The good news is... the stencil looks AMAZING. I love the color combination. So cool.

  2. This is 110% incredible! I would have never guessed that wasn't wallpaper. It's seriously beautiful. Even though it might have been a complete pain in the ass, it totally paid off! And hello, gorgeous rest-of-the-bathroom!

  3. trappedinnorthjerseyMay 17, 2012 at 11:21 AM

    oh MY GOD it looks FABULOUS. I am really excited how this whole house is really coming together.

    and yeah, stencils are not for going around corners. Says the woman who stenciled her MIL's 8-sided foyer.

    I think the coral is going to POP against those walls. Oooh, gonna look good.

  4. This is fantastic. I love the mirror. Coral is a great choice. I hope you can forget the pain and enjoy it.

  5. What - you STENCILED that????? WOW, wow, wow! Your bathroom seriously looks amazing - the floor, the stenciled wall and marble - and the coral mirror will be the cherry on top! (although the gold would be pretty too, a little contrast to the cool grays in there.) This little room is seriously magazine worthy - I'm pinning it right now!

  6. Susie @ Maddie's NestMay 18, 2012 at 9:07 AM

    I admire your patience and SKILL. Looks fabulous even if you would never do it again. I love the mirror!

  7. I'm just stopping by from Living Savvy's SPA meeting - love the stencil! It's gorgeous, but I can't imagine how tedious it must have been to get around those corners. It turned out beautifully, though. I agree that coral would look fab with the grey and white. :)

  8. Funny when you said color, I immediately thought coral as well. I don't have any in my house, but adding quite a bit of coral to my wardrobe these days. The other color that you brought up in another post was purple, which also looks great with gray. Great job!

  9. I've no doubt you were pulling your hair out getting this one done, but I have to say, it's amazing! Truly gorgeous, and no-one is going to have one like it! Well done!

  10. Thanks Katherine. It was definitely tedious to say the least.

  11. Thanks Marla. Purple would look pretty as well, you're right.

  12. Thanks for stopping by (and following). I do hope the coral looks good. Haven't started on my mirror project yet.

  13. Thanks Susie, I think the mirror was a good find considering the price;)

  14. Thanks Lisa. I agree the gold would be pretty as well. The mirror definitely needs a little love either way.

  15. Thanks Linda. I'm thrilled to have it finished...finally!

  16. Thanks Lisa. I saw the pics of that foyer. It turned out amazing, but are you nuts? I can't imagine how long that took.

  17. Thanks Jessamie. That's a total compliment that you thought it was wallpaper:)

  18. Thanks Maury. I love your powder room as well. The stencil is a pain but it really does look good.

  19. Janet @ House FourMay 20, 2012 at 9:41 AM

    Wow! Tiffany it looks beautiful! I love the wall base colour. And the coral will look fabulous. SO impressed!

  20. the detail is amazing! it looks worth the effort!

  21. Very impressive!!! Looks beautiful!! But having worked with stencils I will completely agree with you...wallpaper from now on!!

  22. I think it is beautiful! Great job, Tiffany. Well worth the effort!
    Easy for me to say, right? :)

  23. Found your blog googling this stencil! OMG, your powder room is stunning! Absolutely gorgeous! Wonderful job.

  24. I can't imagine how tedious this must have been but I must say this is the first stencil job that has made me want to attempt it!!! Looks awesome! Worth your hard work :)

  25. That is a stunning piece of work - I am tempted . How many different stencils did you use?

  26. Where is the stencil from? Online store?

  27. It's from
