
Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Laundry List

Shouldn't the laundry room get the same attention as the rest of the house?  I mean I know I need inspiration to get up off my butt and fold the clothes.  It might as well be a pretty room since I'm going to be spending a fair bit of time in there.  Here's some rooms that have inspired the look that I want in my laundry room.

Via Southern Living

I love love love the color of the cabinets.  Don't be shocked if I steal this idea.

Via Hooked on Houses

After seeing this I decided that a backsplash is a must.

Via House & Home

This room looks so clean and fresh.  Appropriate.

Via The Container Store

Can you tell that I'm a wee bit partial to the color blue?

Via Decorology

I think this would look right at home in my home.

Via Little Green Notebook

This laundry room looks so elegant with that wallpaper.

Last but not least is Sarah Richardson's design from Sarah's House.  I don't care what anyone says, I love her.  This industrial look would not work in my house however.

Ok, enough of that.  Now on to my laundry room.

I couldn't really open the door too much more than this because of the shower immediately to the right.

That, by the way is a giant slab of marble.  All the walls were marble.  I'm hoping to reuse some of it somewhere else in the house.  It has a few rust stains but I think I can work around them.  

And here's what it looks like now.  I really need to invest in a wide angle lens.

This is the utility sink we're using.  We got it off of Craigslist and had it reglazed.  Doesn't it look amazing?

We're going to use the old kitchen cabinets in the laundry room.  Do you think I should paint them or leave them the way they are?  Kidding!  Those are getting painted.  I'm going to have to watch Miss Mustard Seed's video tutorial on how to paint kitchen cabinets ASAP.

As you can see it's a work in progress.  Can I just tell you that the tiles that were in the bathroom were hideous, in bad shape, and 5 inches thick.  Don't ask me why, just believe me when I say it took a while to remove them.  

So here's what I'm thinking...washing machine, dryer, and utility sink on the right wall with a countertop and upper cabinets.  On the left wall, drying racks, ironing board and some kind of fold down utility table.  I haven't quite figured the table out yet (project!).  I also want curtains and some type of chandelier since the ceiling is high.  I'm not talking crystal, but something.  Again, not sure what.  This is what I've picked out so far.

Ceramic tile for the floor, quartz countertop, mosaic tile for the backsplash and fabric.  If I go with these I'll tell you where I got them and how much.  Nothing is set in stone (yet), but washing machine and dryer are going in July 28 so we'd best get crackin'.

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