
Monday, October 7, 2019

The Carriage House Project Phase 2: New Framing/Electrical/HVAC etc.

After getting out the squirrel leaves and rot and assessing what was left, it was basically the exterior brick and some of the original wood beams.  Almost everything had to be reconstructed into something that was safe for habitation.  I always thought the floor seemed unstable and awfully springy...turns out it really was!

View of the addition

Another view. This is the new living room/kitchen.

Foundation for the new stairs on the side of the garage.


A view of our "master suite".  Did I mention that we have central air now?  That's a huge upgrade from the window unit that was a million years old. Our neighbor just confided in us that he was ready to give us some money to upgrade it...he was tired of listening to its death rattle.

You can see the ceiling height here.  It's about 11 ft high.  We figured we may has well have a tall shoe box to live in.

This last one shows the new wood beams in the living/kitchen area. These are obviously a little further along in the project.  And we got new windows put in.  You can actually open them!  It's the little things...

One thing I don't have great pictures of is the framing of the new bathroom and second bedroom. Everything is so small that it's hard to get good photos. It's also hard to conceptualize a loft bed that didn't exist at this point. On that note, I'll stop here.  I promise this is going to get more interesting when I show it more put together. Or at least it will for me...

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