
Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The One Room Challenge-The Sunporch and Master Bathroom-Week 4

Welcome back!  Progress is still on a roll over here.  We just got the shades in and put them up.  They look so great and now we'll have a bit of privacy when we want.  I'm still waiting for  the chairs which are arriving this week (CAN'T WAIT!).  I really hope that this is all going to look good together.  I did get some bad news though.  I have the curtain rods and rings but the brackets weren't going to work so I had to order new ones which won't get here in time.  So....I'm going to have to find some temporary brackets for the time being.  I mean I can't not put my curtains up that I haven't even made yet.  That was a terrible sentence but you know what I'm saying.

As for the bathroom, I got the etagere in and the color, though very attractive, looked AWFUL in the bathroom.  Fail.  However, I do have my trusty can of spray looks like I will be spray painting it.  Hey, whatever works.

I finished painting the pocket doors. That was a blast...not.  Especially when I figured out that I was painting them the wrong formulation of Decorators White.  I was starting to think I was going crazy since the doors were NOT matching the trim I had painted a few years ago.  Another gallon of paint later I figured out what I had done wrong.  I really loathe painting.  Anyway, the door that was lacquered is going back to be stripped and repainted the right color in latex paint.  As soon as I get that back the mirror is ready to be put on.

I also was able to do the faux roman(ish) shade .  I researched online, but everything I read was confusing my brain so in the end I just kinda winged it.

I mean, it's not perfect but I kinda love it.  The only other news I have in the bathroom is this print I got at TJ Maxx that's going above the toilet.

Cute huh?  Kind of goes with the whole botanical thing that's going on and now my husband has something nice to look at when he's doing his thing.  What can I say?  I'm a giver.

So everything is progressing at a steady pace.  Here's what's left.

Sunporch:  -Buy coffee table, end tables, chairs (ordered)
                  - Finish styling bookcase and style tables
                  - Put up natural shades (ordered)
                  -Make curtains and decorative pillows
                  -Faux fur rug (got it)
                  -Pray that the reality mirrors my vision

Masterbath:  -Get roman shade for window
                     -Make faux roman for small window
                     -DIY bench project
                     -Find/style etagere
                     -Hang closet door and get mirror made
                     -Touch up paint
                     -TIDY UP BATHROOM.

I'm pretty confident that I'm going to finish these rooms.  YES!!!  I have to make up for the last ORC I did.  I have to say I'm equally as excited to see what everyone else has done in their rooms.  So hop to it!  Featured Designers and Guest Participants


  1. Looking great!! Cant wait for the finale!

  2. That shade looks great for "winging it"! Good luck with the curtain situation!

    1. Thanks! When all is said and done it was a pretty simple project.

  3. I think your "winged" faux roman shade looks great, too. I like the new print you got for your bathroom. The two go together well.
