
Thursday, May 1, 2014

The One Room Challenge-Week Five(Insert Expletive Of Choice)

Hello again!  Welcome CRAZY TOWN.   It's week 5 of the One Room Challenge and it's down to the wire for everyone.  As I mentioned last week I have a conference this weekend so I really don't have much time left.  Luckily I was able to almost complete the room...but it's not done yet.  Oh, and before I forget, thanks to everyone for their sweet and encouraging comments.  I try hard to respond to them and to visit everyone who is doing the challenge.  This last week has been so crazy for me and I haven't been as on top of things as I'd like, but I'm rooting for us all:)

Now on to this weeks progress.  I'm not giving you much though. Just some snippets of what's to come for the reveal.  Don't hate me;)

What's left:
-ART!!!  I keep forgetting that I need to pull something out of my arse for this. I kind of feel like the wallpaper is art so I don't think I'll get too crazy.  What do you think?
-To cornice or not to cornice.  I have something in mind but not sure if I can pull it off.  In other words it will either look really good or really stupid.
-Styling-not my strong suit but I'm working on it.

Now scoot on over to check out everyone's progress.

P.S., I'm in DC for my conference.  Anyone have any good food recommendations?  I'm ready to get my eat on!


  1. ooooh i can't wait!!!! have fun in dc!

  2. I am loving that mirror! And those fabric really pop!

  3. You tease! :) I can't wait to see the big reveal.

  4. Well that was a tease....but it's all good....I will wait until next week to see the reveal!

  5. How crazy you get is up to you. I get overwhelmed easily, so I'd be in the wallpaper is art group, but you seem to know what you are doing. If all else fails, have some awesome mats in your frames to break things up :)

    Love the patterns so far! Good luck in the final week!

  6. Can't wait to see how this turns out! From the looks of the rest of your house, I'd pretty much say you know what you're doing! :)

  7. You're such a tease ;) Beautiful snippets! Can't wait to see more! Good luck in the home stretch!!


  8. eat Filomena's in Georgetown (Wisconsin Ave, I think?). Amazing Italian food. Even my husband (born in Italy, refuses to eat in Italian restaurants because nothing is as good as what we make at home) loves it.

    Can't wait to see the reveal! The fireplace looks fabulous.

  9. I can't wait to see ... Enjoy your time.

  10. Hi! Love your blog and LOVE the pattern mixing going on in the room! Definitely eat at Birch and Barley in DC. The chef is an old friend of mine, and he really really cares that every person has a great meal. Just about all of the food on the menu is fresh and local - they have a policy against opening packages or cans! They're super happy to accomodate all dietary restrictions - veg, gluten free, etc.

  11. You and the cliffhanger posts! Well these teases all look delicious to me, especially the fabric, and I totally concur about your wallpaper serving as art! Can't wait to seer it all next week. Have fun in DC!

  12. Are you Australian?? Ha ha, saying 'pull something out of my arse' is such an Australian (or British?) thing to say! Made my day. Good luck on the home stretch! Can't wait to see it all.

  13. Dang, those ARE little peeks! Looking forward to next week. Good luck with the styling, I'm sure it's going to be great!

  14. Those are little teeny tiny peeks, but we will see the whole beautiful picture next week. Have fun in DC, such a fun town.

  15. I travel to D.C. every April - I usually eat at Ristorante Murali/Pentagon Row - it's great Italian food - here's the link - Enjoy D.C. - the weather was perfect when I was there - hope it's good for you too!

  16. You're a tease! Good thing I'm patient ;) Love where this is going.

  17. Love all your pieces you are showing! The textures and style are so fun!
    Great work! Lance @ PKL

  18. Keep up the good work! Also, I'm sure you've mentioned it in a previous post, but what are the fabrics you're using? I'm in luv.

  19. I love what I see so far! Cannot wait to see the reveal.

  20. Seriously jealous of that Les Touches in blue! We vacationed in DC over the summer and I fell in love with it! Looking forward to Thursday!!
