
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Creepiest. Snowman. Ever.

It was a beautiful snowy day at the domicile,

so the hubs and boobear decided to spend the day outside playing.  When they came in, boobear was very excited to announce that they had made a snowman.  Naturally I was invited to the viewing.  My initial reaction was WTF (in my head, mind you).  We had a good laugh about it later.  Luckily the snow is melting so I no longer have to look at the creepy bird snowman hybrid on the way to the car.


  1. ha ha ha!!!!!! men. my husband made a snowman with emmy and it was the most pitiful snowman ever and he thought it would be good to use m&m's for eyes.... um yeah maybe if they didn't have color and it hadn't made the already awkward midget snowman have bleeding green eyes!!!!

  2. Ha! Don't upset him. It looks like he's going to hurt someone!!!

  3. Too funny! He really is creepy! :)

  4. Your home is so beautiful. That is one ugly dude.

  5. I think the snowman is winking at us!
