Well the tile is FINALLY done. We also got the faucets and sconces. Woo-hoo! My husband and I painted the room this past weekend. A bit of touching up to do but it's really starting to come together. Not too much is picture worthy yet though so I'll just give you a little taste of how it's shaping up.
The tub isn't completely installed yet, but at least it's in the room instead of in the bedroom. I think I had about 3 people reading my blog when I stenciled the tub (why do I always pick the hardest things to stencil?) like a million years ago. I'll recap that later. My husband actually picked out the chandelier at an antique store. It's high drama for sure, but I'm loving it. We're going to have a mix of metals in the bathroom which I think will give it interest.
Still left to do:
-finish installing tub and shower fixtures
-install sconces
-paint mirrors ( I bought some hideously finished mirrors on the cheap that need a good paint job)
-sand and paint window trim
-window treatments (no clue what I'll do yet)
-glass shower doors (that's gonna hurt the wallet!)
Not much right!;)