Just a couple of quick pics to show some recent progress in my daughter's bathroom. It's coming along and, dare I say it, may even be done soon. There are still no lights in the room and it rained cats and dogs today so I'm relying on after work cloudy lighting, thus....
So as you can see, the vanity and medicine cabinets are in, and the board and batten is up. Actually we cheated a bit and just did batten sans board. We just painted the wall the same color as the battens. When the bathroom is done I'll do a post on paint colors and where I got everything. For now here's a list of things that still need to be done.
-Touch up painting/ sanding and painting the window trim
-Find (I have no idea where it is in the house) and have the rest of shower plumbing installed
-Install shower curtain apparatus
-Window treatment
-Add hooks or shelves to hold towels and bath toys
I think I know what I'm doing for lighting, I've bought a shower curtain, we have the shower curtain apparatus and the touch up paint. The only thing I really still need to buy is some kind of window treatment.
I'm super excited to finish this bathroom since it's just another step closer to normalcy. Yay!