Well, work has begun on the garage apartment. The plumbing is almost done and I have to say it's kinda beautiful. They used all copper piping and the way they have it layed out makes it almost look sculptural. Our plumbers rock! We've got a hot water heater, washer and dryer (left by the homeowners), and a utility sink in the garage which is where we'll wash dishes (Suck!). The electrician is almost done doing his thing. Then it's time for tile in the bathroom. We're doing Travertine tiles instead of the marble that's going in the rest of the house. Eventually this is going to be my husband's "man cave" so I'm trying to pick more masculine things for the room but I'm having a tough time. Luckily he's been ok with what I've chosen...so far. Here's some of the things that are going in the room...
The curtains are thermal lined from Target. These were the only ones that we could agree on. I think they are nice and neutral and have a masculine-ish look to them.
The light is definitely not masculine but it's the best we could do. We bought this one for the room and bathroom at Lowe's. I think it looks kind of period and fits in with the house even though I really don't care too much about preserving the history in the garage.
I wanted to go with a dark masculine color but the room is so dark that we really have to stick with lighter hues. I let my husband have the color fan deck and he picked out a few really nice blues but they were way too dark so we agreed to use one of these. The first is Benjamin Moore's Palladian Blue and the second is BM Woodlawn Blue. I think he's leaning toward the Woodlawn Blue though they are so similar in color that I don't think he would even notice the difference. Basically this means that I'm just going to choose the one that I like best (hee-hee).
So hopefully I'll be able to take some pictures next week of a completed bathroom. I think drywall is going up next week so painting may be a bit delayed. Then there's the floor which needs to be sanded...and the list goes on. The finish line is barely in sight, but at least we can see it.