This is the reason that we bought the house. We live in a historic district where garages are few and far between. Let me tell you, this is the mother of all setups. A driveway AND a three car garage? Unheard of (if you don't count the 12,000 sq ft school that has been turned into a home which has a porte cochere and a 4 car garage...whatever!)
Anyway, we're on a deadline. We have to be out of our other house by the 15th. Yes, that's the 15th of September. We've been wondering if we were going to have to rent a place since we still have yet to see any one room done in the house. Not even a functioning toilet yet to speak of. My husband was talking with the plumber the other day, and in his infinite brilliance ( the plumber's, not my husband's) he brought up the idea of fixing up the room over the garage as a place to live while the renovations continue on until the end of time. My first thought? Why in the hell didn't we think of this? Duh! It makes perfect sense. That is until you go inside. I haven't been up there since we first got the house and I'd forgotten what a mess it is. Seriously, it looks like a crack house. No joke.
Here's the stairs leading to our Shangri-la.
Top of the stairs with lovely shelving to the left.
And here it is folks. Welcome home!
Plenty of room in that closet, right?
And now to the bathroom. Or what I like to call the crapper. I'm not referring to the toilet, but the whole bathroom in general.
I swear I saw a swarm of flies and black goo coming out of the toilet as I distinctly heard a voice say "Get Out!"
So here's where we'll be while the renovations continue. Don't worry about us. We'll fix it up a bit so we don't catch some sort of skin infection. It certainly will be cozy. Just the three of us and whatever else is living there. The good news is that we don't have to the decorate for the Halloween party we have every year. It's all ready done. Ahhh, home crap home.