
Sunday, November 30, 2014

A Light, New Windows And Drywall In The Sunroom

I still haven't found chairs for the foyer but I'm tracking a couple.  In the meantime we finally got a light for the sunroom.  My husband just put it up yesterday.  Finally, I won't have to feel my way around in the dark.  And now we can even work in the room at night.  Oh joy!  It's hard to tell in this picture, but I'm painting the ceiling that faint blue color.  It's BM Palladian Blue 25%.

We also changed out the old louver windows with something that comes much closer to the originals.  They aren't perfect, but much improved from what was there.  My husband finished putting up the drywall.  Now it just needs tape and mud and then we can paint.  Though I still haven't finished prepping the old windows.  It's such a nightmare.  We had asked a painter for a quote to do the prep work.  Let's just say that person never got back with us.  Hmm.  I wonder why?  Nightmare.  

Not much else has been done, but in the next month we are having a bookcase made for the opposite wall.  

It will be the entire length of this wall, going over the doors (which we found in the attic!) and from floor to ceiling.  The bonus is that we're getting a library ladder.  I'm so excited! This is definitely going to be my favorite room in the house. Light + windows + books = heaven.  

Sunday, November 23, 2014

It's Almost Done...

It's so close.  I'm just trying to find some smallish chairs, preferably some barrel back cane chairs, and some tidying up and flowers and it's done.  Here's a peek, but keep in mind that a) I'm a horrible photographer, and b) it was a really cloudy day.

I'll take better pictures for the reveal...or at least I'll try.  It will be after Thanksgiving some time, depending on the chair situation and the need for reupholstery?  Until then, everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving and try not to go overboard on the turkey;)

Sunday, November 16, 2014

More Action In The Foyer

The ORC may be over, but my foyer is still in the works.  I don't think I've even gone through 1/10th of the reveals but what I did see was awesome.  It's motivating me to finish this already.  That and Thanksgiving looming.  The good news is that we finally got the mirrors.  They are awaiting picture molding hooks and wire.  I sure wish we would have thought to buy that stuff weeks ago, but then again we were a bit preoccupied.

 I made the Neo Toile covers for the bench pillows this weekend, so the bench is complete.

The lambrequins are supposed to be ready next week.  I had a picture of the try in but it was so dark.  It's so hard to take a picture of a window.  At least it is for me.

Anyway, I'm really hoping to wrap this up before Thanksgiving.  We'll see what lady luck (whore) has in store for me.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The One Room Challenge- To Be Continued

So I didn't finish.  I'm kind of bummed but it will be done in a few weeks or so.  Not the end of the world really.  I think this time around there were just too many things out of my control.  And, it's been a very rough month for my family.  In addition to being sick for just short of a month now, my husband's sister, who he's extremely close to, lost her year and a half long battle with cancer last week.  She was 48 years old.  Needless to say my foyer hasn't been tops on my mind.  I'm not linking this post to the challenge but I didn't want to leave it hanging.  A death puts so many things in perspective and I just feel like now, more than ever, I want to love on my family and live like there's no tomorrow.  When you're young you feel like you're bullet proof.  Like nothing bad can happen to you.  The reality is it's just not true.  I know everyone says this, but make sure the people who are close to you know how much you love and appreciate them because our lives are so fragile and uncertain.

And now, getting off my soapbox and on to something less heavy, I wanted to thank Linda from Calling It Home for putting the challenge together.  Though I didn't finish, I did get the kick in the pants that I needed to get started and I know it's going to be fabulous (or at least it looks fabulous in my head).  I plan on spending some time this weekend looking at everyone's wonderful rooms.  It will be a great diversion.