
Monday, June 17, 2013

Which Would You Choose?

So I mentioned that I'm not in love with the guest bath color.  It's not bad in photos, but trust me, it's neon green and not good.  And, it doesn't play well with the wallpaper.  So here are the new choices.

Go bold or go home, right?  I'm leaning toward the Pink Raspberry.  Anyone want to change my mind?

Monday, June 10, 2013

Wallpaper. Guest Room. Bam!

Ok, so I've been on a bit of a hiatus lately.  What can I say?  I just didn't have anything that interesting to share.  That and I've been super busy living life.  Truthfully, my husband has been traveling a lot leaving me with my little nuggets to care for and I'm a horrible multitasker.  That being said, I finally got something done this weekend and it's a biggie...for me at least.  

Yep, finally put up the wallpaper.  Oh, and never again.  From now on I'm saving my pennies and hiring it out.  What a giant pain in the you know what, and this was only one wall!  Granted I did save a lot of money doing it myself, and by myself I mean having my friend do most of the work since I had no idea what I was doing. 

Next step is getting the bathroom finished up so that carpet can go in the bedroom.  I know carpet isn't in vogue, but it's the third floor, the floors aren't in great shape, and it's right above our bedroom.  Uh-huh, carpet it is.  Here's a peek at the bathroom.  I know what you're thinking.  What's up with the neon green walls? Let's just say, great in theory, terrible in reality.  I wanted to wait to see if maybe when it all came together...nope.  I'm going to have to do something about it, but I'm just not sure what yet.  

Stay tuned.